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Call for Submissions - Ground Up Journal Issue 08: HOME


Ground Up, the journal of the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Planning at UC Berkeley, Issue 08 seeks entries that address the idea of HOME.

In 1972, the Blue Marble made it home. The first full-color image of the Earth taken from space landed on coffee tables and TV screens around the world — imprinting itself on humanity and permanently expanding our idea of home.

Nearly half a century later, ideas and images of home are as intimate as they are infinite. Home is a house. A body. A single point on a map. As Blue Marble suggests, home both contains and transcends place. It is ecological, ideological, political, cultural, and, at times, even fictional.

Home is deeply personal. It is a thought, a vision, a memory. It is as satisfying as the turn of a key, as comfortable as a familiar song, and as simple as a packed lunch. And yet, home also carries more weight. As nations calcify their borders; as urban centers sprawl into megalopolises; as islands disappear in sand grabs to make new land in wealthier nations; as species go extinct; as rising housing prices predominantly displace people of color, we are forced to ask: who has the right to home? What has the right to home? On what grounds? And at what costs?

From the homeland to Homeland Security, send your stories, visions, and projections of HOME to our home: the third floor of Wurster Hall at University of California Berkeley, located on Ohlone land, in current-day California, on the Blue Marble itself.

We seek submissions that capture the interdisciplinary nature of the field of landscape architecture. As such, we welcome subject matter from art practice, ecology, architecture and urban design, literature, policy, and beyond. Submission types include — but are not limited to — design proposals (built or unbuilt), interdisciplinary research, creative writing, artworks, and student work. We accept written contributions up to 2,500 words, and are enthusiastic about publishing digital media on our website and social platforms.

Interested in submitting an article to the journal?

Submission content and any questions should be emailed to with the subject line “Issue 08: Submission”

This call for submissions was submitted by an ArchDaily user. If you'd like to submit a competition, call for submissions or other architectural 'opportunity' please use our "Submit a Call for Submissions" form. The views expressed in announcements submitted by ArchDaily users do not necessarily reflect the views of ArchDaily.

Cite: "Call for Submissions - Ground Up Journal Issue 08: HOME" 21 Nov 2018. ArchDaily. Accessed 15 Feb 2025. <> ISSN 0719-8884

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